Hey, I’m Joey Leavitt

I became a pitcher once I got to college, and that’s when I strained my UCL and tore my labrum… TWICE. 

I knew how to get outs but not how to stay healthy until after I graduated. 

That’s when I really learned how to pitch right


Studied and taught under Dave Coggin

I’ve spent the last 5 years learning from ex-big leaguer Dave Coggin at PFA and working with pitchers at all levels. Dave’s “pocket, whip and stick” fundamentals have helped even the pros and they are at the core of my online training programs. 

They are also the reason I can throw hard without pain today!

Learned from 30+ year baseball scout

Okay, that scout happens to be my dad, John Leavitt (Minnesota Twins). But tagging along when he worked meant going to games and talking about the things that make a pitcher into a prospect. 

Joey - “Aside from athletic ability, what’s the most important quality to have?”

John - “Curiosity. I love when players want to learn.” 

Bachelors in Kinesiology (Exercise Science)

Although I kept getting injured, I stayed busy learning biomechanics and sports psychology and breaking down pro deliveries on my own.

In-person ➡️ Online

The biggest factor in my baseball development journey has been consistency.

In-person lessons = 1x/week

Online lessons = 6x/week

So whether it be myself or the athletes I train, consistency = progress (and I mean major progress!)